Month: November 2018

Herbal Remedy for Allergies

According to Ayurvedic samprapti (pathogenesis), allergies are a doshic reaction to a specific allergen, such as pollen, dust, chemicals on a rug, ragweed, or any strong chemical smell. These allergic reactions are classified as vata type, pitta type,…

Herbal remedy for Anemia

Modern medicine has delineated several types of anemia: iron-deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle-cell anemia, and hypoproteinemic anemia (lack of protein in the blood), as well as certain vitamindeficiency anemias, such as B-12 and folic acid-deficiency anemia. Certain bleeding…

Herbal Remedy for Angina

Angina, or to give it its full name, angina pectoris (chest pain), is a condition created by kapha dosha. Accumulated kapha blocks the flow of prana vata into the coronary artery, so that the heart muscles do…

Glass, Plastic, Aluminum or Clay. Which is healthiest for water?

Plastic water containers Plastic water containers are the most popular means of storing water these days. They come in various forms like water dispenser bottles, nylon sachets, jerry cans, drums, and so on. These various…

Health Benefits Of Using Clay Water Pot

Ever had water from a clay pot? Well, if you haven’t, then you are missing out on a myriad of health benefits. Using a clay pot for water is not just a traditional alternative to…

Healthy and Unhealthy Eating Habits

How you eat is as important as what you eat. Here are some ‘s suggestions for healthy eating, followed by a list of habits to avoid. EATING HABITS TO CULTIVATE Choose foods according to your…

Kalonji Moot k Siwa Her Marz ka ilaj

مختلف نام:   شونیز، جستہ السودا، اور بلک کروے، نایجیلا ستویا، کرشن جیرک، بلک کیومن۔ سنگریلا۔   تاریخ:   کلونجی کے پودے کی اصل جاے پیداش روم ہے۔ اور اس کے آثار مصر کے مختلف…

Herbal Way to Control Anger and Hostility

Anger and hostility are signs of aggravated pitta in the nervous system. Pitta is necessary for right understanding and judgment, but when it gets disturbed or out of balance, it creates misunderstanding and wrong judgment, leading to anger…

Herbal Remedy to Stop Smoking or Alcohol

Why are people addicted? In the majority of cases (excluding tragic situations such as babies who are born addicted because of their mother’s addiction), people who are addicted start out simply seeking more pleasure and joy in their…

Complete Guide to Cure Acne

Acne is the result of high pitta moving under the skin and breaking out in pimples. Ayurveda recommends several natural approaches that, taken together, can effectively control acne.   The possible pitta-provoking causes are numerous. They include emotional…