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800gm- قوت باہ میں اضافہ

Indi Chooran

Strengthens the stomach. Useful in indigestion, loss of appetite, stomachache, flatulence, burning sensation in the chest, acidity and chronic constipation.…
Indian Atees Atees, Atis

Indian Atees Atees, Atis

 700 7,030
Ingredient Name : Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Arabic Name : Jidwaar, Zidwaar, Zadwaar, Atees Bengali Name : Ataicha Chinese Name :…
Indian Blue Water-Lily Nilofar

Indian Blue Water-Lily Nilofar

 200 1,630
Indian Costus Root Kust e Talkh

Indian Costus Root Kust e Talkh

 160 1,600
قسطو تلخ Also available on wholesale price for bulk purchasing
مغزپنپہ دانہ مغز پمبا دانہ Scientific Name: Gossypium
also known as Boswellia, Indian Olibanum Scientific Name: Boswellia Serrata گوند کندر ,لوبان
Indian Mallow ( Beejband Surkh )

Indian Mallow ( Beejband Surkh )

 180 1,300
بیجبند سرخ Scientific Name: Abutilon Indicum
Indian Rennet ( Paneer Booti )

Indian Rennet ( Paneer Booti )

 84 780
also known as Indian Cheese Maker پنیر بوٹی پنیر کا ڈوڈا Scientific Name: Withania Coagulans
also known as Indian Barberry, Ophthalmic Barberry رسوت انڈیا Scientific Name: Berberis Aristata
Indian Valerian ( Mushk Bala )

Indian Valerian ( Mushk Bala )

 250 3,050
مشک بالا Scientific Name: Valeriana Wallichi


A well known remedy for acute and chronic gonorrhoea. Stops burning sensation while urinating and also stops bleeding and mucous…