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The human nervous system is a vast network that controls almost every aspect of our being. Our ability to move,…

Ashoka Capsule

 300 500

Ashoka Capsule

 300 500
Ashoka has been efficacious in regularising menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may…
60 Capsule
also known as Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng اشوگندھا کا پاؤڈر اسگندنا گوری Scientific Name: Withania Somnifera
also known as Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng اشوگندھا کی گولیاں اسگندنا گوری Scientific Name: Withania Somnifera
Asparagus is perhaps best known as a female rejuvenative. According to Ayurvedic texts, Shatavari means ‘one who possesses hundred husbands’.…
Asparagus, Sparrow Grass, Satawar

Asparagus, Sparrow Grass, Satawar

 400 3,530
It has been employed for centuries for the relief of various central nervous system disorders, both psychic and motor, including…
also known as Sebesten Fruit سپستاں لسوڑا Scientific Name: Cordia Latifolia


Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in modern society. Up to 200 million people suffer from asthma…


Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in modern society. Up to 200 million people suffer from asthma…


Sciatica عرق النساﺀ Irq Un Nisa 160 gm