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Dr. Shalini Weight Loss Plan

Ramzan diet plan to lose 22lbs General For Sohar & Aftar Almond milk (75g + 2 litter water) (Recipe of Almond Milk at the end) (Buy Almond Here) Yellow drink / yellow tea (Recipe of Yellow…

12 Herbs for Ramadan to Keep You Healthy

Allah (swt) has given us many plants and herbs through his miraculous creation. These plant and herbs have beneficial properties for both body and mind. Very easy to use in salad, sauce, dessert or to…

In Ramadan What to Eat and What to Avoid

In Sahri: Foods to eat during Sahri Protein rich food: Eggs are high in proteins and most nutritious. They not only help you to stay fuller, but can be made in several ways to suit…

Organic Ashwagandha Powder Miracles

    اسگندھ ناگوری کے کمالات دو سے چار گرام جڑ کو دودھ یا گھی کے ساتھ لینا مقوی باہ ہے۔ اس سے جنسی قوت میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ یہ نسخہ سرعت انزال کے خاتمہ…

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away Naturally

Summer is already here and so do mosquitoes. Every one buying bugs killer or spray of chemicals, But do you know that you can naturally make mosquitoes go away ? These 10 plants to keep…

How to Make Your Own Face Mask at Home

You might feel that making face mask at home and using it seem a little time-consuming, but when you will see the results, you will enjoy it. Use any of these below mentioned face masks…

کچی ھلدی کا حلوہ

جوڑوں کے درد اور ھڈیوں و مہروں کی خرابی کے لئے جادو اثر: آج کل تازہ کچی ھلدی مارکیٹ میں آئی ھوئی ھے۔ سبزی والوں کے پاس عام دستیاب ھے۔ دیکھنے میں ادرک جیسی لگتی…

Depression and Anxiety on rise in Pakistan

About : Anxiety and depressive disorders are common in all regions of the world. They constitute a substantial proportion of the global burden of disease, and are projected to form the second most common cause…

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Herbal Remedy for Paralysis

Remedy for Paralysis: 1. Half Glass of pomegranate Juice 2. 3 Dates without seed. Put both in blender and blend well, then drink it. Do this daily one time in a day for 30 days.…