12 Herbs for Ramadan to Keep You Healthy

Allah (swt) has given us many plants and herbs through his miraculous creation. These plant and herbs have beneficial properties for both body and mind. Very easy to use in salad, sauce, dessert or to make into a herbal tea, they not only add flavour to dishes but also fight a range of physical and emotional ailments. This Ramadan use these herbs to fight problems such as bloating, tiredness and indigestion and feel the benefits!

1. Aniseed

Mix with yoghurt for a surprising yummy twist and fight bloating and indigestion at both iftar and suhur.

2. Basil

Season a simple tasty tomato sauce or toasted tomato bruschetta with this great stress busting and pain relieving herb.

3. Chamomile

The ultimate tool to fight a tummy ache! Make a simple tea with water and honey for a calming sweet remedy which can also ease anxiety, depression and help you get a great night’s sleep. To keep cool during summer, you can also turn your chamomile and honey mixture into ice lollies.

4. Cumin

Add to a simple tomato based meaty pasta sauce for a little tasty twist to both aid digestion and prevent insomnia.

5. Coriander

Combine fresh coriander leaves with avocado, tomato and a dash of fresh lime juice to make a yummy guacamole spread for toast at suhur, helping stimulate your digestion and freshen your breath.

6. Cinnamon

Use up left over rice in a delicious rice pudding and sprinkle with cinnamon – a great spice to lower your blood sugar and enhance your mood at suhur time!

7. Ginger

Make a refreshing tea with lemon, hot water and fresh ginger – a great spice for your digestive system which your stomach will definitely thank you for. Bye bye indigestion and nausea!

8. Garlic

Dress a tasty salad with vitamin packed fresh garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt for iftar to keep your blood sugar levels stable and stave off summer colds.

9. Mint

Give a fresh kick to a fruit salad by adding shredded mint leaves along with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Alternatively, make a mint tea using green tea and fresh mint leaves to promote digestion, sooth headaches and ease nausea, tiredness and depression.

10. Parsley

Prepare a simple soup with stock, parsley and thin pasta/noodles or prepare a healthy tabbouleh salad along with bulgur wheat, tomato, mint, olive oil and fresh lemon juice to fight bloating, bad breath, constipation and flatulence come iftar time.

11. Saffron

Brighten up your rice in colour and flavour and let this great spice fight bloating and constipation at the same time. If you suffer from mild depression or anxiety, this is also a great spice for you.

12. Thyme

To help with sore throats, stomach aches and flatulence, make a simple tea using thyme leaves and water or add to a salad, along with parsley, mint, olive oil, lemon and salt for either suhur or iftar.