Category: women

How To Take Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an important medicinal plant due to its pharmacodynamic properties. It has several beneficial effects but despite its therapeutic value, Ashwagandha sometimes is difficult to be consumed in its raw form. It has a…

Herbal Remedy for Allergies

According to Ayurvedic samprapti (pathogenesis), allergies are a doshic reaction to a specific allergen, such as pollen, dust, chemicals on a rug, ragweed, or any strong chemical smell. These allergic reactions are classified as vata type, pitta type,…

Herbal remedy for Anemia

Modern medicine has delineated several types of anemia: iron-deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle-cell anemia, and hypoproteinemic anemia (lack of protein in the blood), as well as certain vitamindeficiency anemias, such as B-12 and folic acid-deficiency anemia. Certain bleeding…

Herbal Remedy for Angina

Angina, or to give it its full name, angina pectoris (chest pain), is a condition created by kapha dosha. Accumulated kapha blocks the flow of prana vata into the coronary artery, so that the heart muscles do…

Herbal Remedy to Stop Smoking or Alcohol

Why are people addicted? In the majority of cases (excluding tragic situations such as babies who are born addicted because of their mother’s addiction), people who are addicted start out simply seeking more pleasure and joy in their…

Hemorrhoids Piles and Constipation Treatment

The size of piles can vary, and they are found inside or outside the anus. Piles occur due to chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, or straining when passing a stool. A doctor…

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

After pregnancy stretch marks are common among women. They might have fine lines mostly in the areas prone to fat accumulation like breast, hips, arms, abdomen, tummy and thighs. They may appear due to sudden…

Constipation Herbal Cure Qabz Ka Ilaj

Continuous constipation causes disorders in stomach and stomach causes many diseases. That is why it is very important to get rid of it to stay healthy. The constipation is also called as ammunition. In this disease…

Arthritis and Joint Pain جوڑوں میں درد گنٹھیا

Arthritis is a group of painful and degenerative conditions marked by inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness and pain. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, gets worse with age and is caused by…

Herbals for Different Body Parts

Following is a brief description about herbals for different body parts. Now it will be easy for you to select the right herbal for the right body part. Mind or Brain: Ashwagandha prevents cell deterioration…